To see theory into practice here is a hornet’s nest of Satanists who feel they need to be voted proven to one and other (mind you the paradigm) all if not most claim LaVey or independent philosophical in their stance.
The bitter irony of this discourse (outside from previous engagements or my video commentary) is I am not a member of this group EVER.
The LHP paradigm (to me anyways) is about individuality ,materialism, personal evolution, Gain etc. yet here is a post showing the opposite by example within that post.
I did have a video commenting conflicts of said groups and persons with in such groups (which may initially triggered such a response) yet here I am a topic on a blog with the most responses (or top 5 ) to a collective of individuals in a social group . Yet the irony still stands
Post :
Being the adversary to the adversarial ? or simple trolling not much difference they are a bit fun poking with a stick though.
Such sensitive asses the butthurt have eh?
I will admit some points or observations have been stated and noted for future manifestation so this discourse is developmental for my benefit opinions and rants aside.
When a small collective (or short bus) of people want to poop on your parade you can always turn the tables and plant a garden with their fertilizer .
As Dave of the Church of Dave once said don’t let the Bastards bring you down.
Be Well
Ronald French