
Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Watch for me.......!

So MY ex gets on the stand and tells the judge my screenshots are fake.
As a rebuttal 3 days ago I unblocked her so I may retrieve our Facebook correspondence. Complete screen pics with EVERYTHING shared between her and I in a new file. Now when released for public consumption she will have to with back peddle her stance on how I got those pics she sent.
In short it gave me open licence to publish or face the same judge for perjury.
This like reblocking her will take place in 48 Hours.
#theforrestgumpofwitchcraft file already submitted. Torrents next look for Krystal Madison unedited!
#krystalmadison walked in deep on this one #StarrAnnRavenHawk will be surprised that her star speaker shit talked her last year but hey doing favor for #christianday gets you that quality of people....
So watchout #ctcw And #OldManWinterFestival

Being a bad guy anyone can do. Eposing them is pure art form.

Watch for me!

Friday, October 14, 2016

Time deserved Time wasted

Funny thing happened.....
I went to help out some people.
They told me they would be in around 930
I showed up at 10 as a buffer since waiting is a pet peeve of mine...
I waited and called knocked on doors and windows till 1015 then I left
Later on I received a call at 11 with a message telling me they will be there 1145.
By the time I received that call I moved in to another project
Never take someone for granted and never be a doormat either.
The next time I help out I will have an invoice for $1k. By doing this people are a bit more attentive to their ROI (return on investment).  Give shit out for free they have nothing to loose.
Give only to the deserving

Thursday, September 15, 2016


So I get a call today from 716-230-3417 they claim to be a process service company and that I am being sued....Then they wanted to give me a number to call I said no. They asked if I wanted to go court I said yes then they hung up. Lmao Way too much conversation.....come at me or stay at home Lmao

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Slight paradigm shift

So it has come to my attention that I have been in lackluster in my video production and other posts.  Considering my PCS (post concussed syndrome) I have dropped out almost completely from the public eye.  Fortunately my pcs has only effected certain math skills and spelling (spelling, yeah that is my story and I am sticking to it :P) . Also after reading and or writing 200-400 words I would get migraines so my active participation my have been days in the making for a  simple 30 minute  write up.  Aside from my ailments I am doing fine just unable to be productive in my career field.  Although  finding out and calling out the trash in the occult world comes second nature it unfortunately does not make an income ... lol

I am slowly getting back in the race again and with much to say and even radio interviews scheduled already !   I have been truly blessed with people willing to help /assist me at all levels and now I am able to start off where I left off just a little bit slower.  But this can be a good thing since writing and videos that takes 30 minutes to write/produce now takes 4 days  the quality may be even better  since I am no longer feeling rushed by life at the moment ..

One of the things I do notice is that many who follow my posts seem to remain quiet when I go on my campaigns and now looking back the wall is no longer about  "The World According to Rev. Ronald French" in fact it is cluttered with my campaigns like a subway wall tagged with fliers.  So with some creative thinking I found a method to post these campaigns on their own separate blogs with their focus and meanwhile Preaching my humanistic message of the self here as intended.
Those who are still around to read this thanks for sticking around and as for those new to my blogs and my YouTube channel(s) Welcome ....I have such sights to show you ......

Friday, April 29, 2016

Hudson Valley Beltane & Fairy Festival (behind the scenes)

This is the 2nd running of the Hudson Valley Beltane & Fairy Festival.  The party planner for this event is Krystal Madison.  Some may know I have some business issues with Krystal LINK HERE  .  I also have seen Krystal Madison's work ethic which should scare some participating people LINK HERE.   But one thing is for certain many more people are having issues with Krystal Madison and I found a  LINK HERE which regards to the first annual Hudson valley Beltane and fairy festival. To include but not limited to her sleepy hollow Halloween party LINK HERE.  When I use to talk with Krystal I warned her that the more popular people get the more scrutiny they will go through such as business practices , your occult origins, and your true character.
This is unfortunate to see an up and coming BNP (big name pagan)  or aspiring one to say the least but rest assure the more  people she seems to screw over I Ronald French will be a beacon of light to those who wish to share their stories with me for publication. 
From this author and from many other authors participate with caution and BEWARE! 

Thursday, March 3, 2016

House of Psychics

I have a story to tell you should you decide to work as a psychic for the House of Psychics owned by Crystal Garcia aka (Krystal Madison)
When I Ronald French worked with (KM) on the Facebook page House of Psychics   I would forward (HOP) page emails to (KM).  Crystal Garcia seemed to be a bit lackluster in her role (same time she was promoting her Halloween event) hence my personal involvement.
I came across a letter of complaint on Oct 4 2015 which I sent (KM) (See enclosed pic #1)

The person complaining had a legitimate complaint but it was her second one on Oct 12 2015 that peaked my interest (See enclosed pic #2).

Crystal’s response letter was sent over to me to proof before sending to the complaining psychic. (See enclosed pic #3)

 In contradiction of (KM’s) letter being sent to the complaining psychic I have now included my account screen pic ( That’s right I held an account with the House of Psychics) that will prove Crystal Garcia’s (KM’s) statement to be a bold face lie.  Additionally  not only does the House of Psychics have an email account outside from the Facebook page there was a contact phone number as well (which has changed due to {KM & myself legal battles}) .

Should you want to business with, work for, or even associate with Krystal Madison, Crystal Garcia or whatever she seems to want to call herself these days that is up to you.   Just consider yourself  forewarned and forearmed.
Best of Wishes
Ronald French 

Friday, February 26, 2016

Festival of Witches

I Ronald French have a grievance I wish to share publicly against Crystal Garcia (AKA Krystal Madison – The witch of Sleepy Hollow).

On Sept 25, 2015 Crystal Garcia (KM) has signed a contract with my company Axis Sanctuary and Chapels Corp. for an $800.00 investment for 20% share in “House of Psychics” owned by “Festival of Witches” (I,e. KM) .   Upon my attempt in selling my shares I was notified by phone I had violated my contract with (KM) by identifying (KM) as the owner of “House of Psychics” which upon inspection was not clarified what is and what is not “Personal Information”.  However, there was no arbitration, mediation, nor judgement.  In short Krystal Madison walked away without paying dividends nor purchase the stock back from (A.S.C. corp). (See Doc # 1, 2, 3,& 4)

I pursued in my attempts to sell the stock only to get a call from Brewster NY State Troopers on Nov 15 2015. Once I explained I was selling the stock options to anyone with an ear and eye in New York. The Trooper told me he already informed Crystal Garcia the matter was civil not and was not Criminal harassment as she had initially complained.  In Short (KM) is trying to use the legal system as a gag order by proxy. (See Doc #5 release is pending)

Dec 12, 2015 I was notified by my town police (Bradenton) That Crystal Garcia that a complaint was placed against me for threats against (KM’s) children and harassment.  As with the New York State Troopers and Bradenton PD I told “my side” and like the NYSP, Bradenton PD told Crystal Garcia it was a civil matter and that no criminal actions have been done by me nor charges will be pressed against me.  I was also notified by the investigation officer that she filed a civil action against me for “protection against stalking” (Crystal Garcia’ name is public information by the way see doc #6, 7, 8 & 9)

Dec 14 2015 I was served papers by the Manatee Sheriff’s office with Crystal Garcia’s claim (See Doc # 10, 11, 12,13, 14, 15, & 16))

Dec 29 2015 Crystal Garcia was a no call no show yet hired an attorney to preserve the case for a continuance I motioned for dismissal but was denied.  Court ordered continuance Jan 20 2015.  (See Doc # 17, 18, 19,)

Jan 20, 2015 Hearing date and finally all the parties arrived I have sifted over 5200 Personal Messages via Facebook (our main source of communication) and copied screen pics for my counter measures.  The irony with Crystal Garcia’s complaints are lack of consistency. Every new complaint was a new story (New York SP, Bradenton PD & Manatee Court). As you will have seen in the Documents.  In a nutshell Crystal Garcia was asked to speak in court as to why she needed protection from the Florida Court. Once she finished with her testimony the judge told me to put away my exhibits Crystal Garcia has no case.  Case Dismissed.  (Doc# 20)

At what measure will Crystal Garcia (aka Krystal Madison) think she does not owe a debt or worse use the legal system as a proxy gag order? 
See for yourself how Crystal Garcia conducts business with people and I caution you contract or no contract consumer beware!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Eyes of delusion

Champagne taste with beer money is a common phrase for those who reach for something they are not ready for. Personally I'd rather have the champagne money and drink a cold beer .
I do find it funny when people with soda can money act like they are sipping champagne and ridiculing others while not standing on their own two feet. Makes me wonder what other delusions they have of themselves and what they project on other people ..
Sad really
Yet entertaining if you know what to do with them .